Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Success, Drugs and Rehab!!

Well, I don't mean it like that!!

I had to get up at 5am this morning in order to get down to the hospital at 6am. They checked me in and the wait began. I almost freaked out after I changed into the hospital gown and they hooked me in to the IV, heart monitor and oxygen sensor. Unfortunately, I have spent my fair share of time with my dad in way too many hospitals. I am not sure if it was the subconscious reminder of my dad, or just the fear of the surgery, but it too me a good half hour to calm down.

Anyway, I sat there waiting for another hour after calming down before they called me into surgery. At that point, I received some IV sedative to knock me out. And oh boy, did it do jus that - next thing you know, I was awake and out of surgery. I also received a nerve block in addition to the pain killers, so right now I can't really feel my knee, so there isn't really any pain. I do feel a dull "ache", so I think it is going to be a different story once the block wears off.

The doctor ended up doing three different microfractures on three different locations in my knee. He and his assistant told me it was a success. Hopefully confirming that thought, the knee already seems to feel better. I know that I can't tell for sure because of the nerve block, but it doesn't feel as tight and the range of motion doesn't feel as limited. I will know more for sure tomorrow.

Rehab begins today too!!! I have to do ankle pumps, quad sets, straight leg raises, and hip and knee bends. I can't wait to get started and have already done some of the exercises (some I can't do because of the nerve block).

At this point I am feeling great given what I just went through. Whatever drugs they gave me produced a serious buzz. On top of that, I have a euphoria related to starting the next chapter in my life. I am so pumped up about getting better - there is no way to describe it in words!!

Last, I want to make a note about crutches. THEY SUCK!!!! Especially with NO weight bearing. Go up the stairs to get my laptop was enough of a pain. I then had to put the laptop into its bag, crutch back to the stairs, and proceed down one step at a time on my ass in order to make sure that I didn't accidentally put any pressure on my knee.

This is going to be an uphill battle. But I am going take the challenge head on!!

Now I just need a tattoo to help keep me focused.

DO WORK SON!!!!!!!!

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