Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Milestone Checklist Time!!!!

1) 3 weeks post surgery - CHECK!!!
2) CPM Machine gone - CHECK!!!
3) Drive an automatic - CHECK!!!

Not much to report other than that. I had another good weekend and managed to get out of the house a little bit. My knee continues to feel a little better from week to week. I am stepping up my exercises to 500 of each every day. Today that is making my knee good and sore. Last but not lest, my attitude continues to be tremendously positive.

Here is what I hope to accomplish in the coming week:

1) 4 weeks post surgery
2) 500 reps of each exercise daily
3) Pain free sleep

Oh yeah, don't forget, football season is right around the corner.

18 Days till OSU Navy
19 Days till Browns Vikings

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